The Friendly Ghost of Maple Street

A cozy, dimly lit bedroom where a young boy named Tommy looks at a friendly ghost named Gary emerging from a slightly open closet. The scene captures the essence of a scary story for kids with a comforting and magical twist.

Once upon a time, on a quiet street called Maple Street, there was a little boy named Tommy. Tommy was five years old, and he loved to play with his toys and draw pictures. But there was one thing Tommy didn’t like—his bedroom closet. Every night, he made sure the closet door was tightly shut because he was afraid there might be a monster hiding inside.

One windy night, as Tommy was getting ready for bed, he heard a soft noise coming from the closet. It sounded like a whisper. Tommy’s heart beat faster, but he remembered what his mom always said: “Be brave, and you’ll see there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Tommy took a deep breath and tiptoed to the closet. He slowly opened the door and peeked inside. To his surprise, he saw a tiny, glowing light. And then, he saw something even more surprising—a little ghost! But this ghost wasn’t scary at all. It was small, with big, kind eyes and a friendly smile.

“Hi, Tommy,” said the little ghost in a gentle voice. “I’m Gary, the friendly ghost. I’ve been living in this closet for a long time, but I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Tommy’s fear melted away. Gary didn’t seem like a scary ghost. In fact, he looked quite nice. “Hello, Gary,” Tommy replied. “What are you doing in my closet?”

“I like quiet places where I can think,” Gary said. “But I’ve noticed you’re afraid of the dark, and I want to help you.”

Tommy was curious. “How can you help me?”

Gary floated closer and whispered, “I can tell you stories and keep you company until you fall asleep. Would you like that?”

Tommy smiled and nodded. That night, as he lay in bed, Gary told him a wonderful story about a magical forest filled with talking animals and hidden treasures. Tommy listened with wide eyes, and before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

Every night after that, Gary would come out of the closet and tell Tommy a new story. Sometimes, they were about brave knights and dragons; other times, they were about funny adventures with silly monsters. Tommy looked forward to bedtime now, and he was no longer afraid of the dark.

One night, Gary said, “Tommy, I think you’re brave enough now. You don’t need me to keep you company anymore.”

Tommy felt a little sad but also proud. “Will you still visit me, Gary?”

“Of course,” Gary replied with a smile. “Whenever you need me, just open the closet door, and I’ll be there.”

From that night on, Tommy knew he had a special friend watching over him. He was no longer afraid of the dark or the closet. And whenever he heard a soft whisper in the wind, he knew it was Gary, reminding him that he was never alone.

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